The ONE Thing to Change Your Day, Your Week, Your Life.
Perspective Shifts Lead to Positivity Shifts
What if you could change the whole trajectory of your day, your week, your life? It ALL comes down to one simple thing, perspective.
During one of Pastor Steven Furtick’s many animated and hard hitting sermon’s, he said something that has always stuck with me, “Perspective can either be your passport or your prison”.
When we have a negative perspective on a situation, it controls how we feel and hinders us. If we can flip something on it’s head, what seemed like an obstacle just moments ago, could instead be a blessing. It can be our passport to move on, it’s freeing.
Ask yourself, what thought or feeling am I hanging onto that keeps me in “prison”? And, I don’t mean to minimize true issues and heartache… what I hope is that I can inspire us all to see the silver lining in ANY situation. There are so many things we cannot change and outcomes we cannot control, but what we can do is shift our perspective. Things don’t happen to us, they happen for us. I’ll say that again. Things don’t happen to us, they happen for us. In every situation, focus on “How can I shift this into a positive?”
And, I’ll tell you right now… You live in the United States of America. If you have a roof over your head, food to eat and fresh water to drink, then friend, you’re doing ok.
There is just too much to be grateful for on any given day that it helps to crowd out the bad. If I catch myself in a negative space or complaining about something - I drop whatever I am doing - and list three things I'm grateful for. Make it as simple and silly or as grandiose as you want it to be.
I’m grateful for sunny pool weather, I’m grateful for this new Vici dress, I’m grateful it’s Friday and I have a spicy margarita in hand, I’m grateful for my family’s health, I’m grateful for my home, I’m grateful for my career that provides for our family…
Sometimes when I’m in a funk, I also need that extra little reminder from someone outside myself aka Austin… just a nudge to shift my perspective, remind me what’s important, and focus on the good. And if that stillllll doesn’t do the trick, I break up the space I'm currently in. Go outside for fresh air. Go for a walk. Listen to music. Play with Presley. Anything to get out of my head and into what truly matters.
It’s okay to have a bad day. That’s inevitable, we’re all human. But, how long does that funk last? How many bad moods or bad days are you having? What’s your current mindset and perspective? I challenge you to shift your perspective and change your life.